Annotation Studio Version 2.5 Update

This past semester, we launched Annotation Studio 2.5 with updated features, improved navigation, and several bug fixes.

Changes include:

  • New register/log-in menus: if your school or institution has its own Annotation Studio site, you can switch to it from the dropdown menu at log-in
  • Improved functionality when creating new documents
  • Streamlined annotation filtering

Graduate Research Assistant Ben Silverman and undergraduate UROP Joshua Mbogo developed this update.

In the works

We are busily working on a brand new version of Annotation Studio that features a completely redesigned interface that makes it even easier to create, select, annotate documents, and create/manage groups. Moreover, we are very excited about the integration of our new project “Idea Space” that extends the reading and annotation process into essay writing. The new version is already being tested with several classes at MIT; we are aiming for a public release by mid-2020.

Alongside Ben and Josh, additional development by former UROP students Peggy Wang and Lizao Wang will be reflected in this next version.

We need your support!

As you might know, Annotation Studio has been developed with funds from the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) and MIT-internal support. Our goal has always been to create a flexible and easy to use educational tool for collaborative close reading and annotation and offer it free to educators and students. Over time, costs for hosting and maintenance have increased and it has been challenging to secure the necessary funds to cover the ongoing costs for running Annotation Studio, to develop updates and integrate security and bug fixes, let alone the development of new functionality. Therefore, we would very much appreciate your support which allows us to keep the project free for all users.

If you are interested in contributing a donation towards further development of Annotation Studio, please contact us at